Minor Requirements
Linguistics at Richmond is an interdisciplinary minor that studies the system of language as a medium of cognition and perception as well as a social institution. Engaging in linguistic analysis enables students to view culture through the lens of language. Language can be studied at multiple levels: phonetics and phonology (sounds), morphology (words), syntax (sentences), and semantics and pragmatics (meaning). Faculty at Richmond investigate each of these levels in courses that take different analytical perspectives: applied linguistics, computational linguistics, generative linguistics, historical linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and theoretical linguistics. These courses address a variety of topics, including language change, language and cognition, and language and society (gender, class, race/ethnicity).
The Linguistics Minor
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the minor must be no less than 2.00.
Six units, including:
LING203 Introductory Linguistics
Five units of elective chosen from the following:
ANTH101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH211 Field Methods in Ethnography
ANTH290 Cultural Theory
ANTH300 Sexuality and Gender Across Cultures
CGSC 299 Cognitive Science
CLSC201 Classical Elements in the English Language
CMSC150 Introduction to Computing
CMSC221 Data Structures with Lab
DSST289 Introduction to Data Science
DSST389 Advanced Data Science
EDUC324 Reading Foundations for Early Literacy Instruction
ENGL381 Modern Grammar
FREN415 Traduction
FYS100 Language, Race, and Ethnicity
FYS100 Lost in Translation
FYS100 The Power and Prejudice of Language
FYS100 Say What? Exploring 2nd Language Acquisition
FYS100 Split Selves: Growing up Bilingual
LAIS350 Sociolinguistic Approaches to Spanish
LAIS 411 Bilingualism in US, Latin America, and Spain
LAIS412 The Sounds of Spanish
LAIS413 Spanglish
LING250 Introduction to Syntax
LING252 Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics
LLC198 Teaching English as a Second Language through Literature and Film
LLC310 Teaching of a Modern Second Language
LLC362 History of the Romance Languages
LING297 Selected Topics
PHIL251 Elementary Symbolic Logic
PSYC300 Methods and Analyses Core Project
PSYC341 Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYC343 Psycholinguistics with Lab
PSYC361 Independent Research (in psycholinguistics)
PSYC449 Misunderstanding Language
RHCS 103 Rhetorical Theory
RHCS104 Interpreting Rhetorical Texts
Up to three units in a language other than English.
These cannot all be in the same language. You may apply one unit at the advanced (300 or 400) level, and this may be in addition to any of the courses listed above. You may also apply up to two units in a language other than the language of the advanced level course. These may be at any level. Please note: the application of language courses to the minor is normally done senior year during senior audit.
Students may apply Self Directed Language Courses to the minor (SDLC 110, 111, 112, 113). Offered through the Global Studio, these are courses in any language not taught at UR, e.g., Korean, Turkish, Persian, Hebrew, etc. Department approval is required for enrollment. Contact Michael Marsh-Soloway for additional details.
Selected topics courses in linguistics are applied to the minor on a case-by-case basis.
Students are expected to fulfill all prerequisites necessary for courses within the minor. Prerequisites do not count toward the minor unless otherwise noted. Coursework in phonetics, syntax, morphology and other related topics taken during study abroad may fulfill some minor requirements. Study abroad in consultation with advisor is strongly encouraged.